You are not alone.
Perinatal loss can feel extremely emotional, isolating, and depressing. Going through this without talking about it or finding support can make these negative feelings stronger and last longer. Here at HER Perinatal Support, you can feel comfortable expressing these emotions, feeling supported by other parents going through the same thing, and find valuable resources to help you through this extremely difficult time.
About 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. Know that it is NOT your fault, and it is okay to talk about it. Please consider attending one of our support groups to connect with other families going through this, and know that you are not alone.
Grief over losing a child is always an incredibly difficult task, especially with a stillbirth. It may take days or weeks for parents to be willing to talk about what happened, but when you are ready, HER Perinatal Support is here. Please know that these support groups are here to help you feel less alone and less in the dark.
Newborn Loss
Just as a stillbirth is extremely difficult to grieve, losing your newborn baby requires support and time to work through. Whatever your situation, please know that you are welcome at HER Perinatal Support, and I truly hope you consider attending our support group one day.